Friday, September 21, 2007

Jena 6 Coverage

I've just recently viewed a video on The Dallas Morning News website covering Jena 6 and I think they covered it in a positive way, being it was a positive event going on. Anytime there is a group of people marching or doing something in a non-violent way to solve a problem is always gonna bring positve media. At least for people like Dallas Morning News. I haven't seen it yet, but I wouldn't be shocked to see news outlets in Louisianna or Jena to blow the situation up making it seem as if everybody is making this situation bigger than what it is. I'm glad to see coverage this event though because for a while I didn't even know this was going on. I still can't believe how racist some places are still! Me being a black male, who is to say it couldn't have been me? Everybody seems to be on the same page across the nation backing up these young men. I've seen support on Myspace and Facebook as well too. As long people make a big deal about situations like this and keep doing it, the Louisianna law system will have no choice but to make change for the better.

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